Saint Peter’s Ministries

Christian faith calls us to put our faith in action in ministries that cooperate with God’s desire to build up both Church and world. Our various ministries, implemented by parishioners as a form of service to members and friends, welcome any who desire to heed the New Testament’s call to “serve each other through love.”

Health, Healing and Caring Support

Wholeness of body, mind and spirit is God’s will for us. Staff and parishioners offer a variety of services, including workshops on health topics, blood pressure screenings, and grief and spiritual counseling. Watch for news of these occasional events on the website and in our e-newsletter Life at St. Peter’s.
Weekly Healing Service Laying on of Hands and Holy Communion on Wednesday at Noon. 
Lay Pastoral Callers Visit parishioners unable to attend regular services to ensure they feel connected to the church family. Contact Sue Negrotto
Lay Eucharistic Ministers Provide Holy Communion and Sunday Gospel reading to those unable to worship at church. Contact Sue Negrotto
Prayer Chain Ministry Offers special prayers from individuals in their own home as requested by parishioners and circulated via email. Contact Kathleen McLaughlin
Knitting Ministry Prayerfully knits shawls and blankets to comfort those who are ill. Meets semi-annually for knitting nights and fellowship. Contact Dana Leach

Food Ministries

Nourishing food when we are sick, grieving, or in financial need can bring both the bread of life and welcome support. Each of these ministries welcomes new participants.
Sunday Coffee Hour Parishioners provide light snacks and beverages during fellowship following the 10 am Sunday service. Sign up for your turn on the bulletin board list in the Upper Room. Contact Christ Aliotta
Angel Food Delivers frozen meals to parish family and friends dealing with times of sickness, death, or other challenges. Meets periodically to prepare meals. Contact Maggie Wohltmann
Thanksgiving Baskets Youth and adults prepare Thanksgiving Baskets for the Caldwell Food Pantry during mid-November. Contact June Cowell

Liturgical Ministries

Vital liturgical worship is, literally, “the work of the people,” both congregation and worship leaders. Led by an ordained priest, our weekly Eucharist is enriched by the ministry of dozens of laypersons who serve in a variety of preparation, welcome and worship ministries, each of which welcomes new participants.
Acolytes Youth grades 6-12 are trained to light the altar candles, hold the Gospel Book in the Gospel procession, receive the offerings, receive the elements, and assist the priest in setting the Altar for Communion. Periodic training is held by the Acolyte Director. Contact Frank Butterfield
Crucifers Men and women are trained to carry the cross at the head of the processional, at the gospel reading, and at the recessional.
Ushers Men and women whose ministry is largely one of hospitality. Their duties include distribution of service leaflets, assistance in seating, gathering and presenting the offering, signaling when to proceed to the altar rail, and recording attendance and the offering.
Lectors Men, women and youth read the Old Testament, Psalm and Epistle Lessons at Sunday services, and lead the Prayers of the People.
Chalicists Men, women and youth administer the cups of wine (and grape juice for those who prefer) at the time of Holy Communion. Contact Sue Negrotto
Altar Guild Members of the Altar Guild care for the sacred vessels used in worship. Their responsibilities include provision for the bread and wine, candles, flowers, tending to fair linens and hangings. They prepare all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist.
Videographers Men, women and youth record select sermons and music at services and special events and then upload to our YouTube channel.